Worried about Your Exam's Quality?
What are your concerns?
- Passing rates changing?
- Hints of a security breach?
- Items not performing?
- Groups passing at different rates?
- Content complaints increasing?
- Psychometrician-speak frustrating?
Julian Consulting Can Help!
Gain Statistical Insights and Improve Quality
- Commission an Exam Health Check for an understandable summary of an exam’s current health, performance, sustainability, and general defensibility, spotlighting areas of concern
- Use the Exam Description (a fill-in-the-blanks template for describing your program) to see how well you know your program and to help you talk about it
- Compare your vendor’s annual report to the Sample Exam Summary Report to find your blind spots
- Request a quick review of your exam statistics to validate (or ease) your concerns
- Request an annual review to detect little problems before they gr
- Identify any quick-fixes, and distinguish from needed policy-changes or infrastructure investments
- Learn about equating options that stabilize your passing rates and save money over repeated standard-setting sessions
- Inquire about Psychometric Forensics if simple answers aren’t sufficient to discover the problem
Ready to figure out what's going on?
Whether you are just starting to worry or already know you have problems, Julian Consulting can help you figure out the solution and make good decisions.